TX Logistik expands services between Germany and Italy

Good news for intermodal rail freight transport between Germany and Italy! TX Logistik AG, part of Mercitalia Logistics – leader of the Logistics Hub of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. –, has announced the expansion of its services!
A new service will now connect the CTL terminal in Lübeck to the Interporto Quadrante Europa terminal in Verona with two round trips per week covering approximately 1.240 km in 24 hours. Moreover, the company has increased return connections between the BRG terminal in Lübeck and Terminali Italia Milano Segrate from four to six times a week. With new timetables being added, rail freight transport between these two key cities along our Corridor are becoming even easier.
Customer demand along our Corridor keeps growing!

For more information in English, click here. The news was also published in Italian here.