The Working Group (WG) Infrastructure is mainly in charge of updating the Investment Plan. It is included in Book V of the Corridor Information Document and to keep the interactive map of the Customer Information Platform (CIP) up to date.
When required, it further steers analyses of infrastructure parameters to the extent they impact the Corridor offer (i.e., the feasibility of running longer and heavier trains on ScanMed RFC).

The Working Group Interoperability is mainly in charge of updating the implementation of Corridor-relevant Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) issued by the European Agency for Railways (ERA), as part of the Investment Plan included in Book V of the Corridor Information Document.
In gathering such information, the WG pays particular attention to the roll-out of the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS). It is notably in charge of keeping the map of the Customer Information Platform up to date.
When required, the WG further supports the contribution of ScanMed RFC to the Action Plan of the European Commission on the implementation of the ERTMS deployment plan of January 2017.