ScanMed RFC is currently participating in the Connecting Europe Express which is running through Europe in celebration of the Year of Rail 2021.

On September 8th, 2021, Emanuele Mastrodonato, the Managing Director of ScanMed RFC, had a chance to meet Mr Pat Cox, Coordinator of the ScanMed multimodal Corridor, and the European Commission representatives. The CEE event was organised by the Bozen / Bolzano chamber of commerce.
It was a good occasion to reinforce the cooperation between ScanMed TEN-T Corridor and ScanMed RFC. The role of the RFCs was presented and the importance to develop and improve European Rail services for Passengers and Freight was underlined. The focus was put on the local issues integration in a European vision, and it was the occasion to discuss how the Brenner axis can be a European testbed for cross-border solutions.