Greater Copenhagen

How to improve the conditions for freight on a local, regional and international level? With focus in the connection between Eastern Denmark and Southern Sweden

Scanmeds Linda Thulin, Hanne Bjorn Nielsen and Niels Selsmark attended the 11th of October to a meeting with “Greater Copenhagen” to give inspiration to discuss the need of freightcapacity 2030-2050.  What will happen after the Fehmarn is built?  Are there other bottlenecks? Prognosis of future freight transports on rail? Are there technical or administrative barriers? Scanmed can be helpful to visualize the demand of transports on rail so we can identify needs of investments, identify if there is needs to establish new terminals or improving the existing ones, use the existing capacity smarter, harmonize and eliminate administrative barriers, etc.

This was a good start of a new important collaboration. Linda and Hanne would like to thank Sten Hansen and all participants to the meeting for the fruitful dialogue and important start of a new collaboration.


Communication and Administration Officer at ScanMed RFC.