Save the date: Digital Customer Workshop, RAG/TAG-meeting!

ScanMed RFC and the Port of Hamburg (Project Partner in the BSR Access Project Platform) invite you to a free digital Customer Workshop, RAG/TAG-meeting on the 12th of November 2020!

Welcome to join us for an exciting event on the 12th of November, right from the comfort and security of your own home. We start at 09:00, and the event will end at 12:30.

Focusing on the transport and movement of goods through cooperation, we are confident that you will find exciting topics on the upcoming agenda. With live Q&A, engaging speakers, and presentations that will give you new insights, we are happy to invite you to register through this link!

Be sure to follow the websites of Port of Hamburg and ScanMed RFC to keep up with the latest news.

For more information, please contact Inga Gurries at Port of Hamburg Marketing or Johnny Tilgrim at ScanMed RFC.


Communication and Administration Officer at ScanMed RFC.