PCS training in Frankfurt

Last week, our C-OSS manager Rainer Wolf travelled to Frankfurt to participate in a Path Coordination System (PCS) training involving all RFCs crossing Germany.

Bringing together RFCs, Infrastructure Managers, Allocation Bodies, Railway Undertakings, and non-RU applicants, PCS is an online application which optimises international path coordination by harmonising path requests, offers, and allocations, securing easy communication, and improving transparency.

The event was co-organized by Anna Geczi (RNE), Nuria Pérez Brandon (RFC Network), and the C-OSS managers of all RFCs. Aside Rainer Wolf, that includes Stephanie Bscheid (RFC Rhine-Alpine), Jean Quaeyhaegens (RFC North Sea-Med), Joszef Balogh (RFC Orient/East-Med), Anna Difliff (RFC North Sea – Baltic), and Bernd Wetzel (RFC Rhine – Danube). Thank you everyone for your effort!

Not only did it represent a successful training session, but it was also a great opportunity to discuss relevant issues with several partners such as, among others, Banedanmark, BLS AG, Captrain, METRANS Rail, SBB Cargo International, CFF Infrastructure, and the Swiss capacity allocation body.

You can find all the documentation on PCS on RNE’s website.

Moreover, our C-OSS remains at your disposal to assist you with your TT2025 capacity requests.